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状元的小公主 po_状元的小公主 po,状元的小公主

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简介状元的小公主 po_状元的小公主 po,状元的小公主       大家好,我很乐意和大家探讨状元的小公主 po的相关问题。这个问题集合涵盖了状元的小公主 po的各个方面

状元的小公主 po_状元的小公主 po,状元的小公主

       大家好,我很乐意和大家探讨状元的小公主 po的相关问题。这个问题集合涵盖了状元的小公主 po的各个方面,我会尽力回答您的疑问,并为您带来一些有价值的信息。

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4.小公主 这本书的人物介绍谁有啊,急用的



状元的小公主 po_状元的小公主 po,状元的小公主

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        弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特(Frances Hodgson Burnett.),英语世界家喻户晓的儿童文学作家,1849年11月24日出生于英国曼彻斯特一个五金工厂主的家庭。1853年父亲去世,母亲继续经营,直到工厂倒闭。 1865年随全家移民美国田纳西州。1872年与伯内特博士(Dr. S.M.Burnett)结婚,育有二子。1905年,正式成为美国公民。


       A little princess Questions

       Chapter 1

       1.What was "the place" Sara and her father often talked about? What was Sara's attitude towards it. Why?

       It was a school called MISS MINCHIN Select Seminary for young ladies in the England.

       2.Why was the house of Select Seminary for young Ladies like Miss Minchin?

       Because Miss Minchin and the house of Select Seminary for young Ladies were both tall dull respectable and ugly,

       3.Was Sara a regular "beautiful child"? If not, why did Miss Minchin say so?

       No,she was not. Miss Minchin say that because Captain Crew was a rich man and willing to spend a great deal of money on his little daughter.

       4.According to Mr. Crewe, what was Sara's reading habit?

       Sara was always starving for the new book to gobble and found great big fat books to read.

       5.Who was Emily? What did she look like? Why did Sara want her so badly?

       Emily is a doll. She was a large doll, but not too large to carry about easily; she had naturally curling golden-brown hair, which hung like a mantle about her, and her eyes were a deep, clear, gray-blue, with soft, thick eyelashes which were real eyelashes and not mere painted lines. Because Emily liked an old friend for Sara.

       6.According to Miss Minchin, Sara was a spoiled girl. Was that true? Why?

       Yes, it was. Because Miss Minchin thought Sara’s dress and items were too expensive. And her father always satisfied Sara’s wishes.

       7.Why did Sara become Miss Minchin's "show pupil"?

       Sara had a lot of goods such as velvet dresses trimmed with costly furs. These things can make her like a little princess.

       Chapter 2

       1.Could Sara speak French before her first lesson? How did she pick up the language?

       Yes, she could. Her papa and other people had always spoken it to her so she had read it and written it as she had read and written English.

       2.Why did Miss Minchin become so angry after she learned that Sara could speak perfect French?

       Because of Sara, Miss Minchin could not make the naughty children under her control.

       Because Sara made Miss Minchin lost face when Miss Minchin wanted Sara to learn French.

       3.Please describe Sara with two adjectives and use some examples from the book to illustrate your opinion.

       Kindhearted and intelligent. She was friendly to everyone, such as Ermengarde and Becky. She liked reading books, making and telling stories, sometimes she will told some abstruse speech.

       Chapter 3

       1.Why did Sara want to be friends with Ermengarde?

       Because Sara had sympathy for Ermengarde so she wanted to be friend with Ermengarde.

       2.Why did Sara feel sorry when miss Minchin shouted at Ermengarde?

       Because it was a way of hers always to want to spring into any fray in which someone was made uncomfortable or unhappy.

       3.How did Sara and Ermengarde spend the hour before lunchtime together in Sara's room?

       Sara told stories to Ermengarde.

       4.Did Ermengarde love her father? Why?

       No, she didn't. Because Ermengarde's father made her under too much pressure to study.

       5.What were Ermengarde's feelings towards Sara? Can you use some examples from the book to illustrate your opinion?

       Ermengarde worshipped Sara very much.

       It was almost too much for her suddenly to find herself listening to a child her own age who seemed not only quite familiar with these words, but apparently knew any number of others, and could mix them up with verbs as if they were mere trifles.

       Chapter 4

       1.How did Sara deal with such a lot of exaggerated and untruthful praise?

       She just thought a lot of nice accidents have happened to her.

       2.Why did Lavinia hate Sara so much? Did Sara have the same feelings towards Lavinia?

       Because of Sara's arrival, Lavinia was not the leader in the school

       3.What's Lottie's strongest weapon? How did she get the weapon?

       ①Her strongest weapon was that in some mysterious way she had found out that a very small girl who had lost her mother was a person who ought to be pitied and made much of.

       ②She had probably heard some grown-up people talking her over in the early days, after her mother's death. So it became her habit to make great use of this knowledge.

       4.How did Sara stop Lottie from crying?

       Sara told Lottie a new idea and she knew that a new idea would stop a crying child when nothing else would.

       5.How did Sara become the adopted mother of Lottie? Do you think she was qualified? Why?

       Because Lottie did not have a mother so Sara and Lottie played that Lottie was Sara's little girl And Emily shall be Lottie's sister.

       Chapter 5

       1.Who was Becky and how did people in the school treat her?

       Becky was a small servant and people in the school called her to do everything.

       2.Why did Sara raise her voice when Becky was working in her room?

       Because Becky was deeply interested in the story and that she was doing her work slowly in the hope of catching a word from Sara.

       3.Why did Becky save Sara's room until the last?

       Because they were not like the other rooms they were nice and luxury.

       4.What did Becky think Sara would do when she was found sleeping in Sara's room?

       She thought Sara would be angry and go to tell the missus.

       5.Why did the author say that Becky was not the same one when she left Sara's room?

       Because Sara had warmed and fed her.

       Chapter 6

       1.What was the exciting thing written in Mr. Crewe's letter to Sara? Why did it become the topic of everyone's conversation for days?

       A large tract of land upon which diamonds had been found, and a friend of his was engaged in developing the mines. Because "diamond mines" sounded so like the Arabian Nights that no one could be indifferent.

       2.Why did Sara pretend to be a princess? Was that because she was a showy girl?

       Because Sara thought that being a princess can help her help poor people. No, she wasn’t.

       3.Why did Becky pin Miss Amelia's card on her gift for Sara?

       Because Becky had no card for Sara, and Miss Amelia had just throw her card away.

       4.Can you describe two special gifts given to Sara on her eleventh birthday?

       A square pincushion, made of not quite clean red flannel, and black pins had been stuck into it to form the word ’Menny hapy returns.’

       A wonderful doll from her father.














小公主 这本书的人物介绍谁有啊,急用的


       《我的小公主 》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看


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       十岁的薇奥莉塔(安娜玛丽亚·沃特鲁梅 Anamaria Vartolomei 饰)和奶奶一起住,她的母亲汉娜(伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)是个刚起步的摄影师,常年在外,极少顾家。



       萨拉 人物简介:






       明琪 人物简介:









       弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特(Frances Hodgson Burnett),女,英语世界家喻户晓的儿童文学作家,1849年11月24日出生于英国曼彻斯特一个五金工厂主的家庭。

       1853年父亲去世,母亲继续经营,直到工厂倒闭。 1865年随全家移民美国田纳西州。1872年与伯内特博士(Dr. S.M.Burnett)结婚,育有二子。1905年,正式成为美国公民。


       百度百科-小公主 (伯内特夫人著中篇小说)

































       好了,关于“状元的小公主 po”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“状元的小公主 po”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的工作中更好地运用所学知识。